Yoga And Wellness Blog | Nourish Yoga Therapy

Self love - how I have learned to be more kind to myself

Self love - how I have learned to be more kind to myself

I know that it’s not always possible to be happy and positive. This wouldn’t be normal because our moods fluctuate depending on our circumstances. But when we work on being more compassionate to ourselves, it can change our outlook.

I’ve realised over the years, as I’ve deepened my knowledge of the practice of yoga, that ultimately we just need to be our authentic selves–and this starts with self-love. 

Natasha in her yoga studio in Barbados, with her hands on heart

I don’t know what to call myself, but this is what I do

What I bring to the sessions when I have a private one to one session is ME.  The experiences I have had living with hypermobility, pain, anxiety, burnout and, raising a family of 4 boys. To be fully present, to listen and then to find a plan that works for each beautiful unique person that steps into my yoga studio 
Taking it easy on social media

Taking it easy on social media

Over the summer I decided to take a social media break as I was feeling overwhelmed and finding that it was giving me a lot of anxiety. I felt I needed to keep up, I saw that my kids were becoming more distracted by their use of their gaming devices. I was helped by starting a course by Jane Clapp about social media
Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Why is it important to eat with purpose? Well, eating with purpose brings awareness to what we’re eating, it also helps us to use our senses and h...
Step Into The Uncomfortable

Step Into The Uncomfortable

I think this was a real lesson about stepping into the uncomfortable. It wasn’t only about being with a fear, but about how this can relate to moments in my life, and having moments of being incredibly uncomfortable.
Journey to My Mat

Journey to My Mat

Years later, the mat called to me again. I missed “me” on the floor with my thoughts and the connection I started, with learning about myself. As I kept growing, the call from the mat was then amplified, and I then embarked on my yoga teacher training.